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Stay fit at home

It’s easy to get fit in the comfort of your own home. Here you will find a few easy exercises you can incorporate into your everyday life. A regular fitness routine doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, keeping your routine simple makes doing it consistently much easier.

Don’t be put off if at first you find some of these exercises too difficult. To complete these exercises, you don't need any additional equipment. We recommend you have a full bottle of water, a sweat towel & try to find some suitable clothes. You might find it more comfortable to exercise on a mat.

Don't forget to warm up and cool down each and every time time you exercise. This is vital to ensure that you minimise the risk of injury. 

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Bodyweight Squat

Stand tall, feet slightly wider than hip-width distance apart.


Take a deep breathe in and tighten your ab muscles.

Raise your arms, bend your knees and sink your hips back while lowering your hips towards the floor.


Keep a straight spine and tight core throughout this movement.

Stay in this position briefly, before straightening your legs and going back up to standing position, and then exhale.

Repeat as many repetitions required.

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Push Ups

Start in a standard press up position

Place each hand as wide as is comfortable. The wider apart your hands, the harder you will work out your chest muscles.


Lower your chest towards the floor, ensuring your abs are tight and your spine in a neutral position.

Push back up to the start position.

Repeat as many repetitions required.

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Forward Lunge

Stand with your feet at shoulder-width, with hands on your hips.

Step forwards with one leg into a long stride and lower into a lunge, bending both knees and keeping your posture upright.


Ensure your knees don’t go over your toes.

Push through your front heel to return to standing position.

Repeat by stepping forward with the opposite leg.

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Sit Ups

Lay on the floor facing the ceiling with a slight bend at your knees, and arms bent at the elbows with hands lightly touching your head by the ears.

Lift your upper body towards your knees.

Return to the start position and repeat as many repetitions required.

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Get down on all fours (into a typical Push-Up position).

Let your folded elbows support your upper body weight.


Try to maintain a straight line.


Hold this position for as long as possible.

This exercise strengthens your core and enhances your glutes and shoulders muscles.

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